Thursday, 2 October 2008

SYMPHONY SOUND - 'Pennywise'
Artist: Symphony Sound

Track: Pennywise
Label: Symphony Sound Records
Catalog#: SYM003
Format: Vinyl,12”
Country: UK
Released: 1992
Credits: Mastered by Porky, Mixed/Produced by Neuromancer

An absolute classic of the pirates and raves from 1992. Check the broader than Broadway bass drop halfway though the record. I think the vocal sample, "they all float down here", is taken from Stephen King’s horror movie, IT (featuring a clown called Pennywise).
Coulrophobia sufferers, watch out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big up the raving sounds. PROPER TUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you posting 'Candyman' soon?

Nightie Knight,

Horror Chef ;()